"Let me go down to the water. Watch the great illusion drown" - Van Morrison

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Goodbye Filibuster, Goodbye Democracy?

The Republican plan to do away with the Senate's filibuster option for judicial nominees is a direct threat to the traditional protection of the minority party. As Arianna Huffington writes, "It would be impossible to overstate the importance of this battle. It is nothing less than a fight for the soul of our democracy — for what kind of country we want to live in."

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Vote for Grinch of the Year!

The nominations are in and it's time to vote for the National Grinch of the Year! The nominees are: Wal-Mart - Comcast - Angelica - Continental Tire- Cintas
CAST YOUR VOTE NOW AT http://www.jwj.org/Grinch/2004Vote.htm.
For several years, Jobs with Justice coalitions across the country have held local 'Grinch of the Year' elections to determine the most deserving greedy Grinch in their hometowns. This year, national Jobs with Justice will sponsor the fourth annual online Grinch of the Year election to determine the national figure who does the most harm to working families.
Vote now and read more about why these four deserve the title "Grinch of the Year" at http://www.jwj.org/Grinch/2004Vote.htm.

Monday, December 20, 2004

It's Time to Stop Being Hit

A new way to look at what's happening to the Democratic party, and how to break its cycle of victimhood. As Michael Moore says, "We can't seem to grasp that they will keep hitting us and beating us as long as we keep sticking around and asking ourselves what we are doing to deserve the beating."

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Contras, Cocaine, and a Career Crushed

Ever wondered just how deep the hypocrisy of the Reagan/Bush War on Drugs goes? Read this:

Have a Blue Christmas

Here's something you won't see in USA Today: A shopper's guide for those who dont' want to support Republican contributors. Find out who gives what to whom, and spend accordingly. http://www.buyblue.org/bluexmas.html

Monday, December 13, 2004

What??? Social Security is safe???

If this is true, it represents an enormous falsehood perpetrated on the American people. Please read:
"Progressives must use every means available to tell people that they have been lied to about Social Security. The program is unambiguously healthy. The Social Security trustees’ report (available on the Social Security Administration’s Web site) shows that the program can pay every penny of benefits through the year 2042, with no changes whatsoever."


Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Keeping an eye on the press

is the point of this blog. These media watchdog groups will help us do this:

Monday, December 06, 2004

We have a serious problem when...

"...millions of Christian fundamentalists may believe that environmental destruction is not only to be disregarded but actually welcomed – even hastened – as a sign of the coming apocalypse."


Keep the faith

Here's a great way to not lose faith. Sign this petition, and then go out and buy your friends, family, pets, and anyone else you know one of these bracelets:


Thursday, December 02, 2004

Have we learned anything since Watergate?

"The government has successfully framed the debate after 9/11 as terrorism fighters versus civil libertarians, as soldiers versus reporters, as hawks versus doves. In wartime, the poundage of the former will always outweigh the latter... We need to place openness where it belongs, not only at the center of our values, but also at the center of our strategy for security."


Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Smoking While Iraq Burns

Can we have a frank discussion in this country about the morality of the Iraq war? Naomi Klein hasn't seen it yet:

"Fearing that he would be seen as soft on terror and disloyal to US troops, Kerry stayed scandalously silent about Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo Bay. When it became painfully clear that fury would rain down on Falluja as soon as the polls closed, Kerry never spoke out against the plan, or against the other illegal bombings of civilian areas that took place throughout the campaign."
