"Let me go down to the water. Watch the great illusion drown" - Van Morrison

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Join the Republican Party!

As you might guess, I don't really mean it. But the nice people over at TheFrown.com have put together an interesting take on the elephants: http://www.thefrown.com/things/becomerepublican/

One of the GOP's finest

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Alterman: Journalism Obsessed By 'Crap'

The Nation's Eric Alterman spoke to a journalism school audience about the sorry state of American media "professionals." According to him, "the ambitious journalists out there are not trying to discover the next Watergate or the next My Lai," they're trying to be the next Tucker Carlson.

Tucker Carlson, unfiltered

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

"Swift Boating" Social Security

I just signed this petition to stop the same team of hatchet men that ran the swift boat smear campaign against John Kerry from airing a new ad that targets AARP, a group that millions of seniors rely on to defend their interests. This latest attack is from a group called USA Next, a front for radical conservatives who want to dismantle Social Security.
With your help, we can stop this group from airing their dishonest, bigoted attacks. Please join me by signing this petition:

From the horse's um...mouth: http://www.unitedseniors.org/

USA Next's oh-so tasteful upcoming ad

Friday, February 18, 2005

Divine Intervention

Great interview with Susan Jacoby, author of Freethinkers: A History of American Secularism. She has written, and I fervently agree, that liberals should "forget about the fundamentalists. Appeal to the 60 or 70 percent of the American people who aren't fundamentalists – who may have lots of religious beliefs, but who also believe in secular government. Don't waste time trying to persuade people who believe that the earth was created in seven days. You're not going to persuade those people of anything." http://www.alternet.org/story/21288/

Dubya, in his element

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Support Dean's plan for the future of the Democratic Party

I urge you to join me in signing the petition below. Here are its main points:

1) Build a truly national party that wages a campaign in all 50 states.
2) Strengthen State Parties and the Grassroots.
3) Focus on Our Core Values.
4) Take Advantage of Cutting-Edge Technologies.
5) Train Tomorrow's Leaders.

Sign the pledge at: http://www.democrats.org/action/200502150001.html?psc=demnews

Howard Dean looks to the future

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Principles Project

"The Principles Project is a six-week online discussion to help create a one-page Statement of Progressive Principles: a clear vision of a just society and a progressive politics. The starting point of our discussion is a draft statement that has been prepared with the assistance of 2020 Democrats' 3,500 members. Its purpose is to start people thinking."
Add your voice here: http://www.principlesproject.com/

Sunday, February 06, 2005

A Progressive 12-step Program?

I'm still not over the election. And yet I realize that this cycle of grief (anger, sadness, confusion, despair, you name it) I'm in isn't helping anyone. If you also feel that it's time to move on, Alternet's Bob Burnett offers an exit strategy: "To escape from our abusive relationship with the Bushies, progressives will have to engage in all the classic steps of recovery: admitting our wrongs, seeking the aid of our higher power (democracy) in overcoming these, reclaiming true democratic values, and making amends."

Room to Read

On Wednesday night, a friend of ours invited us to a presentation/fundraiser for Room to Read, a non-profit created by John Wood, whose philanthropy was made possible by his time at Microsoft. Whatever you think about his behemoth corporation, this former employee has put his money to inspiring use at Room to Read, an organization that partners with local people to build libraries and schools in developing countries such as Nepal and Vietnam. Their goal is to fight poverty by fighting illiteracy. In the aftermath of the tsunami, their mission has taken on a new importance, as people who have lost their places of learning try to rebuild. Find out how you can help Room to Read by donation, or if you're a traveler, by taking a "trek for literacy" in Asia: http://www.roomtoread.org/index.html

Comment: "I particularly appreciated the Room to Read article. Growing up in Dublin in the 1950s and 60s, the Carnegie public library was my source for books of all kinds. I can't imagine what my life would have been like without the pleasure of reading. This project sounds like the ultimate Robin Hood success story."
-A.P. (Jonesville, Vermont)

Students sponsored by Room to Read

Friday, February 04, 2005

If you believe in equality and fairness...

...I strongly urge you to sign this petition supporting "the right of every American to marry, including gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender couples." More than half a million people have already signed. Help the Human Rights Campaign reach its goal at: http://www.millionformarriage.org

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Organic Produce at Your Door

A couple of months back, we started to receive a weekly delivery box from Boston Organics. In each box is a great selection of organic fruits and vegetables, the considerable health and environmental benefits of which are outlined here: http://www.organicconnection.net/nutritional.html

If you're in the Boston area, it's easy to start getting organics on your front porch. Just visit http://www.bostonorganics.com/ If you're in another part of the U.S., check out http://www.boxedgreens.com/, which offers nationwide home delivery.

Comment: "We subscribe to Boston Organics too! We just started a couple weeks ago and are happy so far. We signed up for the $25 box every other week, just to try it to start."
-C.C. (Somerville, Massachusetts)

Organic produce

Better World Club

The Better World Club is a company I've been using for about a year now. They are a great, green alternative to AAA for about the same price. If you have AAA now, they'll send you an e-mail when your membership is about to expire and then switch you over to their service. From their website:

"The Better World Club provides nationwide roadside assistance. We are the nation's only environmentally friendly auto club. Membership includes eco-travel services, discounts on hybrid car rentals, insurance services, free maps, auto maintenance discounts and bicycle roadside assistance." http://www.betterworldclub.com/