The Senate Doesn't Make Toys, It Makes Them Safer
It's a good day when the U.S. government, against huge industry opposition, actually does something for its citizens. Last week, the House passed the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 by a vote of 424-1. Not to be outdone, the Senate then promptly passed the bill 89-3. Here's what this law will do:
- Make toy regulations mandatory, which means that magnets and many other hazards will be subject to the new law's centerpiece third-party testing requirement;
- Ban six toxic phthalates in children's products. Three are banned permanently. Three would then be subject to a CPSC scientific review, but are banned until it is completed.
- Grant private-sector employees protection as whistleblowers.
- Establish a public database of potential hazards.
- Require that choking hazards be disclosed in Internet advertising.
As a parent, I have to say that it's a relief to not have to worry quite as much about the toys my child will come into contact with. Let's just hope that President Bush, facing overwhelming support in Congress, has the sense to sign this sensible, if overdue, piece of legislation.
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